We use McGraw Hill-Study Sync ELA/ELD series, in our instruction to develop units of study that include relevant, project based learning experiences that allow students to engage in writing and speaking in authentic local and global contexts across disciplines. Assignments and performance tasks are built on prior skills and knowledge and encourage students to draw from their personal experiences.
Our ELD/ELA program targeted support is offered through the English 3D program for our “At-Risk” English Learners and Long Term English Learners. Students receive support in writing, reading, speaking, and listening skills through a full-year designated ELD course (English 3D). We use Read 180 as an intervention program to help support students who are reading below grade-level. System 44, another component, is used with our special education students who need even more intensive reading instruction. We also use Achieve 3000 for students who need additional reading support in the Intensive Resource Labs.
We have adopted a new NGSS based curriculum for science from McGraw Hill. Inspire Science is designed to spark students’ interest and empower them to ask more questions, think more critically, and generate innovative ideas. The program offers an in-depth, collaborative, evidence based, and a project-based learning experience to place science students on the path to career and college readiness.
Our Mathematics program is based on Carnegie Learning Integrated Mathematics. This curriculum is inclusive of a Mathia online technology component. Student performance data is used to provide additional foundational and core math skill development through an intervention section.
Teachers engage students in historical inquiry and investigation through the use of McGraw Hill: Impact curriculum. Teachers incorporate both short and long term research projects that call for students to analyze primary source documents and for students to engage in historical reading and writing in line with the History-Social Science Common Core State Standards for Literacy. Project Based Learning is particularly effective in this area and the most seamless with incorporation of the Global Leadership Performance Outcomes.
M.I.T. @ Vaughn has continued to develop STEAM programs, particularly in Engineering, Robotics, Biomedical Science, and Computer Science. These programs strengthen students’ conceptual understandings in support of the 8 Mathematical Practices aligned to the CCSS, and the application of Mathematical skills in these areas provides an engaging and dynamic learning environment for students. We offer the following electives to our middle school students: Robotics, Project lead the Way-Gateway, Computer Science, BioMedical, Art, and Digital Arts & Media.